What is Graston?

Graston Technique is the most well known and well researched form of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization and can effect a change in the body sooner than other modalities in order to return to sport or life responsibilities. Graston has been proven effective in several common injuries such as plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff syndromes, neck pain, back pain, IT band syndrome, Achilles tendinopathies, runner's knee, fibromyalgia, golfer's elbow, tennis elbow, and many more.

Using bevelled, stainless steel instruments, Leigh is able to detect scar tissue and adhesions in neuromyofasciae, tendons and ligaments which can cause pain and dysfunction. During our body's healing process either from injury, overuse, or postural abnormality, our body lays down scar tissue in attempt to "fix" the problem area.  Over time, we have a build-up of abnormal tissue that is laid down haphazardly, which can result in pain, decreased range of motion, and decreased power/weakness.  The Graston instruments are skillfully used to treat these areas, restoring range of motion, strength and power in the muscles and tendons. 

Patients usually receive one to two treatments per week for four to five weeks. Most patients have a positive response within two to three treatments, as Graston Technique can reduce inflammation and recovery time.  

An unfortunate side effect of Graston Technique can be bruising. Although scar tissue and adhesions have poor vascular supply, the capillaries that do supply the tissue are more fragile than capillaries in healthy tissue.  This results in interstitial bleeding, aka bruising at times. Ice can be applied immediately after treatment to reduce bruising, or cryotherapy is an excellent addition to treatment.